Faith Formation & Religious Education


Adult Formation

Faith formation does not end with the completion of formal Religious Education classroom programs.  As we mature emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually, our knowledge of our faith must grow.  To help our parishioners continually grow in faith opportunities will be offered to help one deepen his/her relationship with God.  Adult Faith formation sessions will provide a deeper insight into the teachings of the Catholic Church, clarify religious and moral questions, and enable one to accept their rightful place to carry out the Church's mission begun by the apostles.  

For more information on Adult Faith Formation, please contact the Religious Education office at 586-228-6651.

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OCIA- Order of Christian Initiation of Adults

“I have called you by name, you are mine.” (Isaiah 43:1)

Do you feel like God is calling you to a deeper spiritual life in and through the Catholic faith?  Participation in the OCIA process will allow you to: 

  • Examine God's presence in your life.

  • Learn about prayer.

  • Develop and/or improve your relationship with God.

  • Explore the Bible.

  • Understand the sacraments.

  • Get to know the Catholic Church.

For more information on OCIA, please contact the Religious Education office at 586-228-6651.


Religious Education

“As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”  (John 20:21)

Catechesis is sharing the teachings of Jesus Christ in such a way that a person comes to know about God, to believe in Him and His teachings, to enter into a relationship with God, and to be transformed by Him.  Catechesis involves teaching about doctrine as well as about the living practice of the faith.  Catechizing and being catechized are lifelong responsibilities for every Catholic.

If you would like to know more about our programs, call our Religious Education Office at 586-228-6651 or click the link below.

Protecting God’s Children

If you’re in need of participating in Protecting God’s Children, now is the time to schedule it as it is available online. To access the training, the participant must first create a VIRTUS account.  Registration instructions follow:

- Go to

- Log in as a First-Time Registrant

- Select “Detroit” as the organization

- Complete the registration template

- Select Protecting God’s Children Online Awareness Session 3.0

To begin the module, the participant should click inside the green circle next to the course name. The module takes approximately 45 minutes to complete and is available in English and Spanish.


The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”

— Luke 17:5